price down icon0.74%   -0.27

Why is Vertex Inc (VERX) Stock down?

We've noticed a 5.14% decline in Vertex Inc (VERX) stock during the 2024-09-03 trading session. While this could be attributed to normal volatility or various internal and external factors, please be aware that we are actively monitoring the situation, and we'll provide timely updates as soon as possible!
15 Nov, 2023:

Shares of Vertex Inc (VERX) dropped by 5.31% from $27.70 to $26.23 in the trading on Wednesday, Novemeber 15, 2023. The reason why VERX is down today is due to a Form 4 filing from the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) that was released on Tuesday. According to the filing, a partner sold 300,000 shares of Vertex. The total transaction amounted to $8,154,858. This disclosure of significant share sales likely had a negative impact on investor sentiment, leading to the decline in VERX's stock price.

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software_application ADP
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