Real-Time Stock Indices, Commodities and Economics Indicators
Economics Indicators
Name | Value | Previous Value | Change | % Change |
U.S. GDP Growth Rate (QoQ)
3.10% |
3.00% |
0.10% |
3.33% |
U.S. GDP Growth Rate (YoY)
2.72% |
3.04% |
-0.32% |
-10.47% |
U.S. Unemployment Rate (MoM)
4.20% |
4.10% |
0.10% |
2.44% |
U.S. Non Farm Payrolls (MoM)
159,288.00K |
159,061.00K |
227.00K |
0.14% |
U.S. Inflation Rate (YoY)
2.73% |
2.58% |
0.16% |
6.06% |
U.S. Inflation Rate (MoM)
0.31% |
0.24% |
0.07% |
28.20% |
U.S. Monthly Interest Rate
4.64% |
4.83% |
-0.19% |
-3.93% |
U.S. Trade Balance on Goods and Services (MoM)
-73,836.00B |
-83,795.00B |
9,959.00B |
11.88% |
U.S. Current Account (QoQ)
-310,948.00B |
-275,031.00B |
-35,917.00B |
-13.06% |
U.S. Current Account to GDP (QoQ)
-4.22% |
-3.77% |
-0.45% |
-11.92% |
U.S. Government Debt to GDP (QoQ)
120.73% |
120.04% |
0.69% |
0.58% |
U.S. Business Confidence (MoM)
98.97 |
98.76 |
0.21 |
0.21% |
U.S. Building Permits (MoM)
1,493.00K |
1,419.00K |
74.00K |
5.21% |
U.S. Government Budget (MoM)
-366,763.06B |
-257,450.34B |
-109,312.72B |
-42.46% |
U.S. Retail Sales (MoM)
0.70% |
0.50% |
0.20% |
40.00% |