price down icon0.18%   -0.08
after-market After Hours: 43.29 -0.06 -0.14%

Why is Trip Com Group Ltd Adr (TCOM) Stock down?

We've noticed a 5.19% decline in Trip Com Group Ltd Adr (TCOM) stock during the 2024-03-04 trading session. While this could be attributed to normal volatility or various internal and external factors, please be aware that we are actively monitoring the situation, and we'll provide timely updates as soon as possible!
21 Nov, 2023:

Trip.com Group Ltd Stock (TCOM) dropped by 10.61% from $36.67 to $32.78 in the trading on Tuesday November 21, 2023. The reason why TCOM stock down today is due to stock downgrade from the analyst. Analyst at Nomura downgraded the stock to Neutral from Buy, and lowered its per-share price target on Trip.com from $48 to $41. The firm cited the likelihood that domestic travel growth has peaked in the country given pent-up demand, and it warned that the Chinese travel industry may weaken in the coming quarters as consumers in the country grow more cautious with their spending.

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