price up icon0.09%   0.05

なぜSunoco Lp(SUN)の株価が下がっていますか?


Mizuho downgraded Sunoco LP (SUN) from Buy to Neutral, leading to a 4.43% decrease in its stock price. Sunoco reported an EPS of $0.78 for the second quarter, down from $1.20 in the same period the previous year. The stock's 52-week high is $51.85, its low is $37.40, and it closed at $51.22 at the end of the most recent trading session.


price down icon 3.02%
oil_gas_refining_marketing IEP
price up icon 0.48%
oil_gas_refining_marketing UGP
price down icon 1.38%
oil_gas_refining_marketing PBF
price down icon 2.64%
price down icon 2.47%
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