price up icon2.92%   0.05
after-market アフターアワーズ: 1.76

なぜCia Energetica De Minas Gerais Cemig Adr(CIG)の株価が下がっていますか?


Shares of Cia Energietica DE Minas Gerais Cemig ADR (CIG) dropped by 6.58% from $2.28 to $2.13 in the trading on Friday, November 24, 2023. The reason why CIG is down today is due to B of A Securities' decision to downgrade Cia Energetica DE Minas from a Buy rating to Neutral. Additionally, they lowered the price target for CIG from $3.2 to $2.6, which likely contributed to the negative sentiment surrounding the stock on that day.

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