price up icon4.67%   1.19
after-market Handel nachbörslich: 26.69

Warum fällt Gdev Inc-Aktie (GDEV)?

Wir haben während der Handelssitzung 2024-09-16 einen Rückgang der Aktie Gdev Inc (GDEV) um 8.93% festgestellt. Obwohl dies auf normale Volatilität oder verschiedene interne und externe Faktoren zurückzuführen sein kann, beachten Sie bitte, dass wir die Situation aktiv beobachten und so schnell wie möglich zeitnahe Updates bereitstellen!

Shares of GDEV Inc. (GDEV) dropped by 11.03% from $2.90 to $2.58 in the trading on Friday, November 24, 2023. The reason why GDEV is down today is due to a decrease in third-quarter sales and financial performance:

  • Revenue of $121 million saw a 5% year-over-year decline but grew 6% compared to the previous quarter.
  • Bookings of $102 million declined by 6% year-over-year.
  • Total comprehensive income of $24 million declined by 22% year-over-year but grew 15% compared to the previous quarter.
price up icon 0.14%
price up icon 0.34%
electronic_gaming_multimedia DDI
price up icon 2.31%
price up icon 0.77%
price down icon 2.05%
Kapitalisierung:     |  Volumen (24h):