price down icon4.57%   -0.27
after-market Handel nachbörslich: 5.64

Warum fällt Cricut Inc-Aktie (CRCT)?

Wir haben während der Handelssitzung 2024-08-12 einen Rückgang der Aktie Cricut Inc (CRCT) um 11.89% festgestellt. Obwohl dies auf normale Volatilität oder verschiedene interne und externe Faktoren zurückzuführen sein kann, beachten Sie bitte, dass wir die Situation aktiv beobachten und so schnell wie möglich zeitnahe Updates bereitstellen!

Shares of Circut Inc (CRCT) dropped by 7.63% from $8.35 to $7.63 in the trading on Wednesday, Novemeber 8, 2023. The reason why CRCT down is due to mixed revenue results. While the company reported a total revenue of $174.9 million for the third quarter of 2023, which represented a 1% decrease from the same period in 2022, it had mixed results in its revenue segments. Connected machine revenue declined by 6%, accessories and materials revenue decreased by 12%, but subscriptions revenue saw an 11% increase.

price down icon 3.41%
price down icon 1.08%
price down icon 2.58%
computer_hardware STX
price down icon 2.81%
computer_hardware WDC
price down icon 2.94%
price down icon 6.79%
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