Warum fällt Bluebird Bio Inc-Aktie (BLUE)?
Shares of Bluebird bio Inc (BLUE) dropped by 45.68% from $2.43 to $1.32 in the trading on Wednesday, December 20, 2023. The reason why BLUE down today is due to the company's announcement of a $125 million public offering of common stock at a price of $1.50 per share. This offering has the effect of diluting the ownership stake of existing shareholders, leading to the sharp decline in the stock price.
Shares of Bluebird bio Inc (BLUE) dropped by 20.33% from $3.05 to $2.43 in the trading on Tuesday, December 19, 2023. The reason why BLUE down today is due to the company's announcement of a proposed public offering of $150 million worth of common stock. Bluebird bio, Inc. initiated this underwritten public offering, with an additional option for underwriters to purchase up to $22.5 million worth of shares. The offering's size and terms are contingent on market conditions, with no guaranteed completion date. All offered shares are from Bluebird.