Why is Waterdrop Inc Adr (WDH) Stock down?
We've noticed a 5.17% decline in Waterdrop Inc Adr (WDH) stock during the 2024-11-08 trading session. While this could be attributed to normal volatility or various internal and external factors, please be aware that we are actively monitoring the situation, and we'll provide timely updates as soon as possible!
29 Jun, 2023:
Waterdrop WDH shares decreased by 9.1% today, ending the session at $2.30. The company has experienced a quarterly decline of -26.14% in its revenue when compared to the saem period in thw previous year. The moving-average over the 100-day period was 2.81 with a change in price of -0.92. Investors have been left with mixed emotions regarding the stock price performance over the year. The index has shown a price loss of -33.39% over the last six months. The price of WDH leaped by -16.16% during the last 30 days. For the last 5 days, the stock has slided -5.59%.
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