
Ishares Russell 2000 Value Etf Stock (IWN) Dividend Overview

  • Ishares Russell 2000 Value Etf (IWN) currently pays a dividend of $0.8584 per share with annual dividend yield of 2.08% and price-to-earnings ratio of -.
  • Ishares Russell 2000 Value Etf (IWN) pays out a dividend four times per year. Quarterly payment frequency should be carefully considered as it can affect investors’ investment strategy.
  • Ishares Russell 2000 Value Etf (IWN) most recent ex-dividend date occurred on December 17, 2024 with dividend payment of $0.8584 per share received on December 20, 2024. Shareholders eligible for this dividend payment owned IWN stock before or on this ex-dividend date.
Ex-dividend date
Annual Dividend
Dividend Yield
P/E Ratio

Ishares Russell 2000 Value Etf Stock (IWN) Dividend History

Table below shows the detailed dividend history of Ishares Russell 2000 Value Etf Stock (IWN). In 2024, the first Ishares Russell 2000 Value Etf’s dividend date was on March 21, 2024 with a dividend of $0.5669 per share, representing a -36.84% decrease from $0.8976 per share on December 20, 2023. This decline in IWN’s dividend pay out can signal a negative financial performance of the company; however, further research should be conducted to understand the company’s change in dividend payment. We recommend investors to review dividend dates and payments carefully with the aim to gain insights on the company’s strategy.
Ex/EFF Date Type Cash amount Declaration date Record date Payment date
12/17/2024 CD $0.8584 11/24/2023 12/17/2024 12/20/2024
09/25/2024 CD $0.8619 11/24/2023 09/25/2024 09/30/2024
06/11/2024 CD $0.6706 11/24/2023 06/11/2024 06/17/2024
03/21/2024 CD $0.5669 11/24/2023 03/22/2024 03/27/2024
12/20/2023 CD $0.8976 11/25/2022 12/21/2023 12/27/2023
09/26/2023 CD $0.9414 11/25/2022 09/27/2023 10/02/2023
06/07/2023 CD $0.6279 11/25/2022 06/08/2023 06/13/2023
03/23/2023 CD $0.6956 11/25/2022 03/24/2023 03/29/2023
12/13/2022 CD $0.9414 12/16/2021 12/14/2022 12/19/2022
09/26/2022 CD $0.9077 12/16/2021 09/27/2022 09/30/2022
06/09/2022 CD $0.5785 12/16/2021 06/10/2022 06/15/2022
03/24/2022 CD $0.5188 12/16/2021 03/25/2022 03/30/2022
12/13/2021 CD $0.9023 12/10/2021 12/14/2021 12/17/2021
09/24/2021 CD $0.7738 12/15/2020 09/27/2021 09/30/2021
06/10/2021 CD $0.3896 12/15/2020 06/11/2021 06/16/2021
03/25/2021 CD $0.3915 12/15/2020 03/26/2021 03/31/2021
12/14/2020 CD $0.6518 12/13/2019 12/15/2020 12/18/2020
09/23/2020 CD $0.5774 12/13/2019 09/24/2020 09/29/2020
06/15/2020 CD $0.4334 12/13/2019 06/16/2020 06/19/2020
03/25/2020 CD $0.4505 12/13/2019 03/26/2020 03/31/2020
12/16/2019 CD $0.7976 12/26/2018 12/17/2019 12/20/2019
09/24/2019 CD $0.572 12/26/2018 09/25/2019 09/30/2019
06/17/2019 CD $0.5842 12/26/2018 06/18/2019 06/21/2019
03/20/2019 CD $0.5169 12/26/2018 03/21/2019 03/26/2019
12/17/2018 CD $0.6045 12/29/2017 12/18/2018 12/21/2018
09/26/2018 CD $0.4899 12/29/2017 09/27/2018 10/02/2018
07/03/2018 CD $0.6299 12/29/2017 07/05/2018 07/10/2018
03/22/2018 CD $0.4149 12/29/2017 03/23/2018 03/28/2018
12/21/2017 CD $0.8141 12/20/2017 12/22/2017 12/28/2017
09/26/2017 CD $0.36 09/25/2017 09/27/2017 09/29/2017
07/06/2017 CD $0.645 07/05/2017 07/10/2017 07/12/2017
03/24/2017 CD $0.417 03/24/2017 03/28/2017 03/30/2017
12/22/2016 CD $0.7347 12/21/2016 12/27/2016 12/29/2016
09/26/2016 CD $0.3529 09/23/2016 09/28/2016 09/30/2016
07/06/2016 CD $0.5879 07/05/2016 07/08/2016 07/12/2016
03/23/2016 CD $0.3972 03/22/2016 03/28/2016 03/30/2016
12/24/2015 CD $0.6523 12/23/2015 12/29/2015 12/31/2015
09/25/2015 CD $0.3391 09/24/2015 09/29/2015 10/01/2015
07/02/2015 CD $0.5627 07/01/2015 07/07/2015 07/09/2015
03/25/2015 CD $0.4209 03/24/2015 03/27/2015 03/31/2015
12/24/2014 CD $0.6571 12/23/2014 12/29/2014 12/31/2014
09/24/2014 CD $0.3182 09/23/2014 09/26/2014 09/30/2014
07/02/2014 CD $0.5745 07/01/2014 07/07/2014 07/09/2014
03/25/2014 CD $0.364 03/24/2014 03/27/2014 03/31/2014
12/23/2013 CD $0.6369 12/20/2013 12/26/2013 12/30/2013
09/24/2013 CD $0.3084 09/23/2013 09/26/2013 09/30/2013
07/02/2013 CD $0.5092 07/01/2013 07/05/2013 07/09/2013
03/25/2013 CD $0.3071 03/22/2013 03/27/2013 04/01/2013
12/19/2012 CD $0.7751 12/18/2012 12/21/2012 12/26/2012
09/24/2012 CD $0.3681 09/26/2012 09/28/2012
06/26/2012 CD $0.447 06/28/2012 07/02/2012
03/23/2012 CD $0.3002 03/27/2012 03/29/2012
12/22/2011 CD $0.4294 12/27/2011 12/29/2011
09/23/2011 CD $0.2868 09/27/2011 09/29/2011
07/05/2011 CD $0.3693 07/07/2011 07/11/2011
03/24/2011 CD $0.246 03/28/2011 03/30/2011
12/22/2010 CD $0.4773 12/27/2010 12/29/2010
09/23/2010 CD $0.2171 09/27/2010 09/29/2010
07/02/2010 CD $0.2961 07/07/2010 07/09/2010
03/24/2010 CD $0.1674 03/26/2010 03/30/2010
12/23/2009 CD $0.3768 12/28/2009 12/30/2009
09/22/2009 CD $0.1958 09/24/2009 09/28/2009
07/02/2009 CD $0.2608 07/07/2009 07/09/2009
03/24/2009 CD $0.221 03/26/2009 03/30/2009
12/23/2008 CD $0.4517 12/26/2008 12/30/2008
09/24/2008 CD $0.2622 09/26/2008 09/30/2008
07/02/2008 CD $0.3841 07/07/2008 07/09/2008
03/24/2008 CD $0.1095 03/26/2008 03/28/2008
12/27/2007 CD $0.4469 12/31/2007 01/03/2008
09/25/2007 CD $0.3128 09/27/2007 10/01/2007
06/28/2007 CD $0.4218 07/02/2007 07/05/2007
03/23/2007 CD $0.252 03/27/2007 03/29/2007
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