price down icon5.71%   -2.46
after-market After Hours: 40.98 0.34 +0.84%

Guardant Health Inc Stock (GH) Forecast

The Guardant Health Inc (GH) stock price forecast for the next 30 days is generally negative, with an average analyst price target of $18.97, representing a -53.31% decrease from the current price of $40.64. The highest analyst price target is $33.33, and the lowest is $4.614.

Disclaimer: The information on this page is not intended to be financial advice. It is for general information only and should not be used to make any investment decisions. Please consult with a professional financial advisor before making any investment decisions.
12-Month GH Price Target
Average 62.13 (+52.88% Upside)

Is Guardant Health Inc (GH) A Buy Now?

Name Value Action
RSI(14) 46.62 Neutral
STOCH(9,6) 43.92 Neutral
STOCHRSI(14) 72.45 Neutral
MACD(12,26) -0.7857 Sell
ADX(14) 18.94 Neutral
William %R -48.11 Neutral
CCI(14) -7.8171 Neutral
Buy: 0 Sell: 1 Neutral: 6
Summary: Neutral
Moving Averages
Period Simple Exponential
Buy: 4 Sell: 6 Neutral: 0
Summary: Sell
According to our latest analysis, GH could be considered a Moderate Sell, with 17 technical analysis indicators signaling 4 Buy signals, 7 signaling Sell signals and 6 Neutral signals. This might not be a good time to consider opening new positions on GH, as trading bearish markets can be challenging and may result in losses.
  1. RSI (Relative Strength Index): The RSI(14) value of 46.62 indicates that GH is neither overbought nor oversold. It suggests a neutral sentiment in the short term.
  2. STOCH (Stochastic Oscillator): The STOCH value of 43.92 indicates that GH is neither overbought nor oversold. It indicates a balanced market sentiment without any extreme buying or selling pressure.
  3. STOCHRSI (Stochastic Relative Strength Index): The STOCHRSI value of 72.45 indicates that GH is neither overbought nor oversold. It indicates a balanced market sentiment without any extreme buying or selling pressure.
  4. ADX (Average Directional Index): The ADX value of The ADX value of 18.94 indicates that there is no clear directional movement, and the market may be ranging or moving sideways.
  5. CCI (Commodity Channel Index): A CCI(14) value of A CCI(14) value of -7.8171 indicates that GH is not in oversold or overbought territory. It suggests a neutral sentiment in the short term.

Long-term GH price forecast for 2025, 2030, 2035, 2040, 2045 and 2050

Based on our analysis about Guardant Health Inc financial reports and earnings history, Guardant Health Inc (GH) stock could reach $37.79 by 2030, $47.10 by 2040 and $107.53 by 2050. See the projected annual prices until 2050 of the Guardant Health Inc stock below:

  • Guardant Health Inc (GH) is expected to reach an average price of $12.19 in 2035, with a high prediction of $12.16 and a low estimate of $11.96. This indicates an $-70.00% rise from the last recorded price of $40.64.
  • Guardant Health Inc (GH) stock is projected to chart a bullish course in 2040, with an average price target of $47.54, representing an $16.99% surge from its current level. The forecast ranges from a conservative $46.59 to a sky-high $47.10.
  • Our analysts predict Guardant Health Inc (GH) to jump 42.28% by 2045, soaring from $61.03 to an average price of $57.82, potentially reaching $58.10. While $61.03 is the low estimate, the potential upside is significant.
  • Guardant Health Inc (GH) stock is expected to climb by 2050, reaching an average of $107.63, a $164.84% jump from its current level. However, a wide range of estimates exists, with high and low targets of $107.53 and $104.11, respectively, highlighting the market's uncertainty.

Guardant Health Inc Stock (GH) Year by Year Forecast

Guardant Health Inc Stock (GH) Price Forecast for 2025

Guardant Health Inc Stock (GH) is expected to reach an average price of $36.67 in 2025, with a high prediction of $68.73 and a low estimate of $4.614. This indicates an -9.76% fall from the last recorded price of $40.64.
Month Average Low High Change from today's price
April, 2025 $17.64 $4.614 $33.33 -56.59%
May, 2025 $23.64 $8.3681 $25.58 -41.83%
June, 2025 $47.79 $21.55 $49.55 +17.59%
July, 2025 $30.09 $25.21 $50.44 -25.96%
August, 2025 $36.87 $28.92 $40.07 -9.28%
September, 2025 $37.88 $29.31 $40.14 -6.79%
October, 2025 $43.84 $31.63 $51.76 +7.87%
November, 2025 $65.42 $41.26 $67.38 +60.97%
December, 2025 $61.06 $53.16 $68.73 +50.25%

Guardant Health Inc Stock (GH) Price Forecast for 2026

The predicted value for Guardant Health Inc (GH) in 2026 is set at an average of $97.64. Estimates vary from a peak of $137.91 to a trough of $57.37, indicating an +140.25% surge from the present price of $40.64.
Month Average Low High Change from today's price
January, 2026 $73.67 $57.37 $77.01 +81.27%
February, 2026 $82.92 $70.37 $85.02 +104.03%
March, 2026 $115.52 $76.02 $119.65 +184.25%
April, 2026 $127.44 $98.68 $137.91 +213.58%
May, 2026 $103.15 $79.07 $128.14 +153.81%
June, 2026 $115.38 $87.22 $122.71 +183.90%
July, 2026 $71.81 $67.00 $128.09 +76.69%
August, 2026 $80.52 $69.45 $87.71 +98.12%
September, 2026 $84.23 $74.46 $91.41 +107.26%
October, 2026 $74.99 $67.53 $86.92 +84.52%
November, 2026 $88.83 $57.91 $88.99 +118.57%
December, 2026 $87.47 $80.37 $95.53 +115.23%

Guardant Health Inc Stock (GH) Price Forecast for 2027

For 2027, Stockscan's Analyst expects the average price target for Guardant Health Inc (GH) is $42.29, with a high forecast of $84.49 and a low forecast of $0.0853. This indicates an +4.06% increase from the last price of $40.64.
Month Average Low High Change from today's price
January, 2027 $72.36 $61.31 $80.47 +78.05%
February, 2027 $61.12 $60.50 $84.49 +50.39%
March, 2027 $67.40 $49.56 $75.17 +65.84%
April, 2027 $42.49 $39.39 $67.61 +4.54%
May, 2027 $38.52 $24.78 $42.20 -5.23%
June, 2027 $24.20 $22.78 $44.01 -40.46%
July, 2027 $33.13 $13.45 $36.47 -18.49%
August, 2027 $33.42 $31.75 $44.91 -17.78%
September, 2027 $11.26 $0.0853 $38.24 -72.30%
October, 2027 $5.9961 $2.9661 $12.41 -85.25%
November, 2027 $19.87 $6.3084 $21.54 -51.12%
December, 2027 $24.42 $13.26 $27.53 -39.92%

Guardant Health Inc Stock (GH) Price Forecast for 2028

In 2028, Guardant Health Inc (GH) is projected to reach an average price of $17.22, with a high projection of $34.36 and a low estimate of $0.0817. This indicates an -57.63% fall from the last price of $40.64.
Month Average Low High Change from today's price
January, 2028 $23.96 $16.80 $27.24 -41.05%
February, 2028 $25.28 $19.09 $32.82 -37.78%
March, 2028 $21.72 $13.97 $34.36 -46.56%
April, 2028 $24.35 $12.70 $26.99 -40.10%
May, 2028 $1.4865 $1.1842 $27.28 -96.34%
June, 2028 $5.8956 $0.4589 $8.3056 -85.49%
July, 2028 $2.7947 $2.0047 $9.0024 -93.12%
August, 2028 $0.576 $0.224 $8.1188 -98.58%
September, 2028 $0.1949 $0.0817 $5.0933 -99.52%
October, 2028 $0.4342 $0.4497 $1.9597 -98.93%
November, 2028 $9.9356 $0.3135 $10.14 -75.55%
December, 2028 $13.95 $9.2678 $16.37 -65.66%

Guardant Health Inc Stock (GH) Price Forecast for 2029

The 2029 price forecast for Guardant Health Inc Stock (GH) is $19.46 on average, with a high prediction of $37.65 and a low estimate of $1.2737. This represents an -52.11% decrease from the previous price of $40.64.
Month Average Low High Change from today's price
January, 2029 $17.94 $13.06 $18.29 -55.87%
February, 2029 $17.82 $13.88 $18.13 -56.16%
March, 2029 $9.6642 $9.6542 $20.74 -76.22%
April, 2029 $7.7733 $5.6965 $11.10 -80.87%
May, 2029 $3.0846 $2.6946 $10.43 -92.41%
June, 2029 $8.4437 $2.8679 $8.5379 -79.22%
July, 2029 $9.7728 $7.6182 $12.78 -75.95%
August, 2029 $5.4141 $5.2341 $10.64 -86.68%
September, 2029 $3.5132 $3.1982 $7.301 -91.36%
October, 2029 $2.1046 $1.9146 $5.14 -94.82%
November, 2029 $1.5337 $1.2737 $7.7291 -96.23%
December, 2029 $40.43 $2.3859 $37.65 -0.50%

Guardant Health Inc Stock (GH) Price Forecast for 2030

Guardant Health Inc Stock (GH) is expected to reach an average price of $31.74 in 2030, with a high forecast of $45.81 and a low forecast of $17.68. This signifies an -21.89% decrease from the last price of $40.64.
Month Average Low High Change from today's price
January, 2030 $26.85 $30.59 $37.79 -33.93%
February, 2030 $28.22 $29.86 $25.76 -30.56%
March, 2030 $21.19 $22.02 $17.68 -47.86%
April, 2030 $24.96 $17.68 $13.73 -38.58%
May, 2030 $46.48 $31.78 $45.81 +14.36%
June, 2030 $40.95 $44.87 $44.65 +0.77%
July, 2030 $29.87 $31.82 $37.38 -26.50%
August, 2030 $23.49 $31.07 $31.01 -42.20%
September, 2030 $27.01 $27.63 $26.59 -33.53%
October, 2030 $19.67 $26.24 $23.26 -51.60%
November, 2030 $33.69 $22.02 $29.77 -17.10%
December, 2030 $41.90 $35.33 $32.15 +3.11%
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