price up icon19.16%   0.0767
after-market After Hours: .47 -0.007 -1.47%

Why is Cutera Inc (CUTR) Stock down?

We've noticed a 12.74% decline in Cutera Inc (CUTR) stock during the 2025-01-13 trading session. While this could be attributed to normal volatility or various internal and external factors, please be aware that we are actively monitoring the situation, and we'll provide timely updates as soon as possible!
12 Apr, 2023:

Cutera, Inc. (CUTR) shares plunged 26.5% to $19.89 following the company's announcement that it has terminated its Executive Chairman Daniel Plants and CEO David Mowry for cause, as well as withdrawing its 2023 outlook.


medical_devices STE
price down icon 0.25%
medical_devices ZBH
price up icon 0.57%
medical_devices PHG
price up icon 0.27%
price down icon 0.54%
price down icon 0.31%
medical_devices EW
price down icon 0.11%
Cap:     |  Volume (24h):