price down icon3.57%   -0.77
after-market アフターアワーズ: 20.81 -0.01 -0.05%

Wisdomtree Artificial Intelligence And Innovation Fund (WTAI) の株価時系列

日付 高値 安値 高値 - 安値 取引高 変化率
2025-03-03 $21.87 $20.65 $1.22 83,724.0 -3.57%
2025-02-28 $21.59 $21.02 $0.57 30,215.0 +1.08%
2025-02-27 $22.49 $21.32 $1.16 42,690.0 -3.96%
2025-02-26 $22.47 $22.07 $0.395 63,167.0 +1.62%
2025-02-25 $22.37 $21.64 $0.73 62,919.0 -1.99%
2025-02-24 $22.98 $22.25 $0.73 114,373.0 -2.70%
2025-02-21 $23.78 $22.88 $0.90 44,136.0 -3.12%
2025-02-20 $23.92 $23.33 $0.59 60,988.0 -1.41%
2025-02-19 $24.27 $23.96 $0.3105 30,854.0 -1.19%
2025-02-18 $24.36 $24.09 $0.265 58,693.0 +0.95%
2025-02-14 $24.10 $23.89 $0.21 22,518.0 +0.13%
2025-02-13 $24.06 $23.72 $0.3422 29,144.0 +1.11%
2025-02-12 $23.83 $23.34 $0.49 29,891.0 +0.15%
2025-02-11 $24.02 $23.73 $0.295 28,532.0 -1.02%
2025-02-10 $24.04 $23.80 $0.2364 41,242.0 +1.54%
2025-02-07 $24.10 $23.52 $0.5748 38,888.0 -0.67%
2025-02-06 $23.89 $23.63 $0.2562 41,549.0 -0.63%
2025-02-05 $23.95 $23.49 $0.4594 49,325.0 +1.44%
2025-02-04 $23.61 $23.26 $0.35 72,757.0 +2.43%

Wisdomtree Artificial Intelligence And Innovation Fund (WTAI) 株の年ごとの株価履歴

この詳細な分析では、Wisdomtree Artificial Intelligence And Innovation Fund株の過去の価格動向について包括的な概要を提供しています。年度別のデータを探索することで、投資家はWTAI株の歴史的なパフォーマンスやボラティリティに関する貴重な洞察を得ることができます。重要な節目や変動から注目すべきトレンドまで、Wisdomtree Artificial Intelligence And Innovation Fund株価の歴史を詳しく調査することで、企業の株価が時間とともにどのように変化してきたかを理解する基盤が提供されます。

2025年のWisdomtree Artificial Intelligence And Innovation Fund (WTAI) の株価時系列

高値 安値 高値 - 安値 取引高 変化率
2025-03 $21.87 $20.65 $1.22 167,448.0 -3.57%
2025-02 $24.36 $21.02 $3.34 922,376.0 -7.10%
2025-01 $24.06 $21.61 $2.45 2,348,528.0 +5.64%

2024年のWisdomtree Artificial Intelligence And Innovation Fund (WTAI) の株価時系列

高値 安値 高値 - 安値 取引高 変化率
2024-12 $23.45 $21.82 $1.63 1,345,122.0 +1.09%
2024-11 $22.34 $20.16 $2.18 793,088.0 +9.38%
2024-10 $20.89 $19.36 $1.53 1,181,179.0 +0.55%
2024-09 $20.41 $18.03 $2.38 1,351,058.0 +0.96%
2024-08 $20.13 $16.81 $3.32 4,174,178.0 -1.45%
2024-07 $21.94 $19.12 $2.82 3,300,051.0 -4.13%
2024-06 $21.16 $19.45 $1.71 2,877,384.0 +6.43%
2024-05 $20.74 $19.08 $1.66 4,944,311.0 +1.87%
2024-04 $21.02 $18.37 $2.64 3,621,080.0 -7.22%
2024-03 $21.69 $20.07 $1.62 2,867,569.0 -1.98%
2024-02 $22.05 $19.97 $2.08 5,571,052.0 +5.69%
2024-01 $21.00 $19.27 $1.73 4,926,678.0 -3.09%

2023年のWisdomtree Artificial Intelligence And Innovation Fund (WTAI) の株価時系列

高値 安値 高値 - 安値 取引高 変化率
2023-12 $21.08 $18.66 $2.42 6,707,038.0 +10.64%
2023-11 $19.04 $15.92 $3.12 3,598,575.0 +16.87%
2023-10 $17.92 $15.74 $2.18 3,229,574.0 +0.00%
exchange_traded_fund VTV
price down icon 0.92%
exchange_traded_fund VUG
price down icon 2.43%
exchange_traded_fund IJH
price down icon 2.23%
exchange_traded_fund EFA
price up icon 1.10%
exchange_traded_fund IWF
price down icon 2.47%
exchange_traded_fund QQQ
price down icon 2.19%
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