price down icon0.79%   -0.0029
pre-market  プレマーケット:  .37   0.0043   +1.18%

Americas Gold and Silver Corporation (USAS) の株価時系列

日付 高値 安値 高値 - 安値 取引高 変化率
2024-11-26 $0.37 $0.3603 $0.0097 388,807.0 -0.79%
2024-11-25 $0.3798 $0.36 $0.0198 703,981.0 -2.77%
2024-11-22 $0.3947 $0.3641 $0.0306 696,883.0 -0.18%
2024-11-21 $0.384 $0.3606 $0.0234 669,076.0 +1.96%
2024-11-20 $0.40 $0.37 $0.03 715,754.0 -5.67%
2024-11-19 $0.4002 $0.32 $0.0802 1,284,202.0 -2.35%
2024-11-18 $0.415 $0.3997 $0.0153 1,058,922.0 +1.99%
2024-11-15 $0.3965 $0.347 $0.0495 2,861,245.0 +14.27%
2024-11-14 $0.404 $0.347 $0.057 2,893,314.0 -10.01%
2024-11-13 $0.4081 $0.3841 $0.024 791,058.0 -3.38%
2024-11-12 $0.41 $0.37 $0.04 1,184,528.0 +3.93%
2024-11-11 $0.4024 $0.35 $0.0524 2,219,544.0 -8.57%
2024-11-08 $0.443 $0.40 $0.043 1,222,477.0 -5.21%
2024-11-07 $0.451 $0.4367 $0.0143 878,780.0 +3.05%
2024-11-06 $0.43 $0.378 $0.052 1,724,025.0 +2.38%
2024-11-05 $0.438 $0.40 $0.038 1,119,344.0 +0.00%
2024-11-04 $0.4799 $0.4053 $0.0746 1,522,228.0 -10.45%
2024-11-01 $0.479 $0.45 $0.029 851,671.0 +0.80%
2024-10-31 $0.495 $0.4604 $0.0346 1,183,611.0 -6.57%
2024-10-30 $0.51 $0.4801 $0.0299 825,553.0 -0.40%
2024-10-29 $0.50 $0.46 $0.04 1,712,336.0 +10.62%

Americas Gold and Silver Corporation (USAS) 株の年ごとの株価履歴

この詳細な分析では、Americas Gold and Silver Corporation株の過去の価格動向について包括的な概要を提供しています。年度別のデータを探索することで、投資家はUSAS株の歴史的なパフォーマンスやボラティリティに関する貴重な洞察を得ることができます。重要な節目や変動から注目すべきトレンドまで、Americas Gold and Silver Corporation株価の歴史を詳しく調査することで、企業の株価が時間とともにどのように変化してきたかを理解する基盤が提供されます。

2024年のAmericas Gold and Silver Corporation (USAS) の株価時系列

高値 安値 高値 - 安値 取引高 変化率
2024-11 $0.4799 $0.32 $0.1599 23,174,646.0 -21.41%
2024-10 $0.544 $0.296 $0.248 47,647,587.0 +52.06%
2024-09 $0.32 $0.22 $0.10 15,136,475.0 +23.54%
2024-08 $0.29 $0.2075 $0.0825 16,609,028.0 +0.28%
2024-07 $0.29 $0.2375 $0.0525 13,596,085.0 +3.35%
2024-06 $0.348 $0.2202 $0.1278 13,179,236.0 -30.42%
2024-05 $0.365 $0.246 $0.119 30,380,478.0 +35.88%
2024-04 $0.312 $0.2113 $0.1007 36,050,781.0 +14.91%
2024-03 $0.2762 $0.20 $0.0762 40,912,281.0 +4.81%
2024-02 $0.2407 $0.1999 $0.0408 10,761,068.0 -4.59%
2024-01 $0.254 $0.204 $0.05 9,278,597.0 -13.39%

2023年のAmericas Gold and Silver Corporation (USAS) の株価時系列

高値 安値 高値 - 安値 取引高 変化率
2023-12 $0.30 $0.23 $0.07 14,080,085.0 +5.39%
2023-11 $0.2699 $0.21 $0.0599 13,030,132.0 +0.29%
2023-10 $0.369 $0.2403 $0.1287 10,422,917.0 -32.50%
2023-09 $0.42 $0.341 $0.079 5,900,148.0 -15.32%
2023-08 $0.4366 $0.3548 $0.0818 6,444,201.0 +3.04%
2023-07 $0.439 $0.34 $0.099 9,024,736.0 +15.58%
2023-06 $0.4595 $0.34 $0.1195 9,452,062.0 -14.40%
2023-05 $0.5567 $0.41 $0.1467 5,496,011.0 -17.26%
2023-04 $0.60 $0.47 $0.13 10,609,782.0 +3.83%
2023-03 $0.5168 $0.40 $0.1168 11,502,350.0 -4.00%
2023-02 $0.65 $0.47 $0.18 9,878,258.0 -20.62%
2023-01 $0.71 $0.5781 $0.1319 8,756,215.0 +10.84%

2022年のAmericas Gold and Silver Corporation (USAS) の株価時系列

高値 安値 高値 - 安値 取引高 変化率
2022-12 $0.7599 $0.4745 $0.2854 10,351,508.0 +20.91%
2022-11 $0.56 $0.4401 $0.1199 5,667,598.0 -2.08%
2022-10 $0.52 $0.4262 $0.0938 6,774,394.0 +17.04%
2022-09 $0.5572 $0.37 $0.1872 9,693,705.0 -10.85%
2022-08 $0.6297 $0.444 $0.1857 8,097,835.0 -20.00%
2022-07 $0.6799 $0.451 $0.2289 9,971,902.0 -16.47%
2022-06 $0.80 $0.6611 $0.1389 8,274,946.0 -7.09%
2022-05 $0.91 $0.65 $0.26 9,334,750.0 -18.58%
2022-04 $1.14 $0.84 $0.30 11,888,967.0 -15.74%
2022-03 $1.31 $0.9901 $0.3199 20,455,316.0 +2.86%
2022-02 $1.10 $0.73 $0.37 21,832,948.0 +40.00%
2022-01 $0.8899 $0.702 $0.1879 12,087,928.0 -6.98%
other_industrial_metals_mining LAC
price down icon 3.47%
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price up icon 1.21%
price up icon 1.32%
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price down icon 2.83%
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