
なぜGrupo Aeroportuario Del Pacifico Sab De Cv Adr(PAC)の株価が下がっていますか?

2025-02-21 の取引セッション中に、Grupo Aeroportuario Del Pacifico Sab De Cv Adr (PAC) 株の 5.21% 下落を確認しました。これは通常のボラティリティやさまざまな内部および外部要因に起因する可能性がありますが、当社では状況を積極的に監視しており、できるだけ早くタイムリーな最新情報を提供することに注意してください。

Grupo Aeroportuario Del Pacific (PAC) dropped by 24.05% from $163.63 to $124.28 in the trading on Thursday October 5, 2023. The reasons why stock PAC down today includes:

  • Overall market weakness: The broader Mexican market was impacted. The country's main stock index slid nearly 4.5% at one point. The iShares MSCI Mexico ETF (EWW) was down about 4%.
  • Tariff regulations: The country's civil aviation regulator announced changes to tariff regulations that sets price caps for airport tariffs, including the passenger fee known as the TUA.
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