
Why is Phio Pharmaceuticals Corp (PHIO) Stock down?

We've noticed a 5.67% decline in Phio Pharmaceuticals Corp (PHIO) stock during the 2024-06-04 trading session. While this could be attributed to normal volatility or various internal and external factors, please be aware that we are actively monitoring the situation, and we'll provide timely updates as soon as possible!
07 Dec, 2023:

Phio Pharmaceuticals Corp Stock (PHIO) dropped by 42.14% from $1.59 to $0.92 in the trading on Thursday December 07, 2023. The reason why PHIO stock down today is due to the announcement of exercise warrants for $2.8 million in gross proceeds. Phio Pharmaceuticals announced that accredited investors agreed to exercise certain warrants to purchase over 2 million shares of the company's stock at a reduced price of $1.33 per share, originally issued between 2018 and 2023 at higher prices.

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