price down icon0.78%   -0.27

왜 Bbb Foods Inc (TBBB) 주가가 하락하고 있습니까?


BBB Foods Inc (TBBB) stock dropped by 6.09% due to an adjustment in UBS's rating, in which TBBB stock got a downgrade rating, disappoiting investors.

  • Downgrade rating: UBS downgraded the stock from Buy to Neutral, despite increasing the price target to $27.00 from the previous $26.00.
  • UBS's Valuation and Growth Potential: UBS noted that BBB Foods' stock is currently trading at a reasonable multiple, standing at 12 times the estimated EV/EBITDA for 2025, adjusting for accounting standards. However, when factoring in potential dilution from the Equity Incentive Plan, this multiple could rise to 15.8 times. The market's current price of $23 per share reflects expectations for an EBITDA compound annual growth rate (CAGR) slightly below UBS's estimate, leading to a more balanced view of the potential risks and rewards for investing in BBB Foods.
price down icon 0.99%
price up icon 0.23%
discount_stores BIG
price down icon 3.11%
discount_stores BJ
price up icon 0.25%
price down icon 2.44%
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