price down icon11.67%   -0.0199
after-market 시간 외 거래: .14 -0.0106 -7.04%

Solidion Technology Inc (STI) 재무 분석

손익 계산서
*모든 숫자는 백만 단위입니다.
기간 종료일 2024-03-31
기간 3개월
Operating Expenses
Interest Income/Expense
Operating Income/Loss
Nonoperating Income/Loss
Income/Loss From Continuing Operations Before Tax
Income Tax Expense/Benefit
Income/Loss From Continuing Operations After Tax
Net Income/Loss
Preferred Stock Dividends And Other Adjustments
Attributable To Noncontrolling Interest
Basic Average Shares
Diluted Average Shares
Basic Earnings Per Share
Diluted Earnings Per Share
Participating Securities, Distributed And Undistributed Earnings/Loss, Basic
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