
Microcloud Hologram Inc (HOLO) 재무 분석

손익 계산서
*모든 숫자는 백만 단위입니다.
기간 종료일 2023-03-31
기간 3개월
Cost Of Revenue
Gross Profit
Operating Expenses
Benefits Costs and Expenses
Costs And Expenses
Operating Income/Loss
Nonoperating Income/Loss
Income/Loss From Continuing Operations Before Tax
Income Tax Expense/Benefit, Deferred
Income Tax Expense/Benefit
Income/Loss From Continuing Operations After Tax
Net Income/Loss
Preferred Stock Dividends And Other Adjustments
Attributable To Noncontrolling Interest
Participating Securities, Distributed And Undistributed Earnings/Loss, Basic
price up icon 0.60%
price down icon 1.88%
price up icon 2.45%
electronic_components FN
price up icon 1.96%
electronic_components CLS
price up icon 3.06%
price up icon 3.56%
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