왜 Omega Healthcare Investors Inc (OHI) 주가가 하락하고 있습니까?
Omega Healthcare Investors Stock (OHI) dropped by 6.55% from $33.73 to $31.52 in the trading on Friday November 3, 2023. The reason why OHI stock down today is due to the third-quarter 2023 earnings. Q3 earnings and revenue declined from the previous quarter, but still came in better than expected on interest income and some unexpected rent payments.
- Revenue of $242.0M, vs. the $210.3M consensus, declined from $250.2M in the previous quarter and increased from $239.4M a year ago.
- Adjusted FFO per share of $0.71, topping the $0.70 consensus estimate, fell from $0.74 in Q2 and $0.76 in Q3 2022.
- Q3 expenses rose to $194.5M from $201.4M in Q2 and $177.7M in Q3 2022.