price up icon2.80%   0.93
after-market Dopo l'orario di chiusura: 34.13

Perché le azioni Trinity Industries Inc (TRN) sono in ribasso?

Abbiamo notato un calo di 6.93% nelle azioni di Trinity Industries Inc (TRN) durante la sessione di negoziazione di 2024-08-02. Sebbene ciò possa essere attribuito alla normale volatilità o a vari fattori interni ed esterni, tieni presente che stiamo monitorando attivamente la situazione e forniremo aggiornamenti tempestivi il prima possibile!

Shares of Trinity Industries, Inc. (TRN) dropped by 9% from $23.34 to $21.24 in the trading on Wednesday October 4, 2023. The reason why TRN stock down is due to the lower Q3 railcar deliveries. TRN delivered 4,325 new railcars during the quarter, falling short of its expectations by 685 units due to the U.S.-Mexico border closure by the Customs and Border Protection Agency (CBP). Increased state vehicle inspections have also led to truck traffic congestion, affecting TRN's supply chain. CBP suspended U.S.-bound rail traffic in Eagle Pass, TX, causing disruptions that persist, impacting Trinity's deliveries. The company is actively seeking alternatives for transportation between Mexico and the U.S. More details on the impact will be provided in TRN's third-quarter 2023 results on November 2, 2023. TRN's shares have declined by 8.2% in the past three months, compared to a *4% industry loss.

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price up icon 2.54%
price up icon 1.30%
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price up icon 1.03%
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