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Perché le azioni Snap On Inc (SNA) sono in ribasso?
Abbiamo notato un calo di 5.09% nelle azioni di Snap On Inc (SNA) durante la sessione di negoziazione di 2025-02-06. Sebbene ciò possa essere attribuito alla normale volatilità o a vari fattori interni ed esterni, tieni presente che stiamo monitorando attivamente la situazione e forniremo aggiornamenti tempestivi il prima possibile!
Snap-On Inc (SNA) stock fell by 7.67% due to its recent financial performance. For the quarter ending in March 2024, Snap-On reported EPS surpassing estimates but sales missed. The reported revenue of $1.18 billion represented a slight miss of -0.98% compared to the Zacks Consensus Estimate of $1.19 billion. However, the EPS surprise was positive, coming in at +1.93% over the consensus estimate of $4.66. Key Metrics Performance:
- Net Sales - Intersegment Eliminations: -$141.50 million, which was better than the average estimate of -$163.26 million, representing a year-over-year change of -13.9%.
- Net Sales - Commercial & Industrial Group: $359.90 million, slightly below the estimated $375.94 million, with a -1.1% change from the year-ago quarter.
- Net Sales - Financial Services Revenue: $99.60 million, exceeding the estimated $96.13 million, with a +7.6% change from the year-ago quarter.
- Net Sales - Repair Systems & Information Group: $463.80 million, compared to the estimated $454.52 million, representing a +3.9% change year over year.
- Net Sales - Snap-on Tools Group: $500.10 million, lower than the estimated $523.32 million, with a -6.9% change year over year.
- Operating Earnings/Losses: Across various segments, operating earnings or losses were generally in line with or slightly below analyst estimates.
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