price up icon0.37%   0.61
after-market Dopo l'orario di chiusura: 165.69

Perché le azioni Keysight Technologies Inc (KEYS) sono in ribasso?


Keysight stock dropped 13.78% after its Q3 report. Despite beating Q3 expectations, the company's future guidance disappointed investors. With Q4 outlook prediction of $1.29 billion to $1.31 billion in revenue, if the company hits the midpoint of the guidance range, it will face a potential 10% YoY sales decline and 13% drop in adjusted earnings.


scientific_technical_instruments FTV
price up icon 0.27%
scientific_technical_instruments TDY
price up icon 0.38%
price up icon 1.38%
price up icon 0.53%
price up icon 2.74%
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